středa 10. prosince 2014

A World in a World

I am sitting in McDonald's and looking at people around me. I wonder, what are they thinking about? They are eating their Big Macs, listening to music, working. All of us think, or have the feeling, that this is the center of the world now. I am the most important thing. And yes it is true. And logical. Why would I, finishing my French Fries, we worrying about a Japanese person finishing his McChicken in McDonald's in Tokyo? I am right here, in Prague. This is what I am. Only few of other seven billion people matter to me.

I have a smile on my face. Not just because I finished McDonald's French fries, which I think are the best out of all fast foods, but because I realize how small my life is. What is a center of the world for me, one small table out of twenty in McDonald's, is not even a sand in the whole city. I try to zoom out and try to imagine what would Prague look like from the sky. I definitely could not find this specific McDonald's. I am nothing in my city. Just one little creature. I am nothing in the world. Just one little creature.

What are we in the universe? Absolutely nothing. What we think is the center any action, our problems that we deal every day with, are absolutely meaningless in the eyes of the whole universe. There are thousands and thousands of galaxies. One bigger than the other one, one smaller than the other one. Everything is so relative, when we think of things in different way. Everything so big is so small. Everything so small is so big.

Different planets are attracted to each other with the Newton's Universal Gravitational Law. Of course this equation does not explain what gravitation is, it only describes it. Describes what is observable.

This mind path took me to completely different topic, and I will come back to Newton. But I wonder, can we explain things? Can we have one hundred precent reason for something happening? I don't think so. Why do the lightbulbs shine? Of course physicist would say that because of current passing through it, creating sufficient resistance that transmits energy into heat and light. But why does it do this? Why does the world function the way it does? Why is there any world? Any matter? In any question we could keep on asking why, why, why and we would ultimately come to the conclusion that nothing is certain. Of course this comes to the question, can science reason everything? As recall somebody telling me - only atheists believe it can.

Now back to Newton. Newton described the effect of the gravitational field by the Gravitational Law.

Now let's look at the electric force between two charges.
This got me thinking. These two equation look almost identical. They are identical, with the only difference in substituting mass for charge and different constants. Equation for potential, potential energy, field strength are identical as well. 

I concluded two things from these amazing facts (I am taking IB Physics HL so I do not have the ability to go into too much depth in physics knowledge).

First, physics is absolutely beautiful. The world we are living in is somehow interconnected. There are some basic principles that function and that apply to big objects as well as small objects (of course I am not talking about Relativity or Quantum Mechanics). But it truly is somehow interconnected. Did somebody create this? Is there a Divine power, the Creator, that created this? Who created this? Is this just a coincidence? There are million questions striking me.

I little kid next to me is enjoying her ice-cream and explaining her mom why she got a bad grade.

Secondly, aren't atoms another worlds? If big objects such as planets, galaxies, indeed any matter at all is driven by the force that has the same properties as electric force between charges in little atoms, couldn't it be that there are worlds in worlds? That where we are living now, our space, is only an atom? Our space is only an atom in other world, which is again an atom in other world? Why not? Give me a proof that it is not this way?

Maybe one Big Mac has intoxicated me so much that my philosophical essay got too much away from where I started. But anyway.  Where I am sitting here right now, this McDonald is an atom in the universe. Even though it is center of the world for me, in our galaxy it is a piece of sand, an atom. Why couldn't the same way apply for an atom. Maybe atoms have do have a center of importance in them, but they are atoms in our world where they are not important at all, exactly the same way I, sitting in McDonalds, am not important for somebody right next door, or on the other side of the world. 

Lukas Cerny, 10.12.2014

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