
Inception of Heptagral
Today it is June 27th and we decided to create this blog. We were sitting in a park in Prague in Czech republic and paradoxically it was the last day of school. We got this idea probably because we naively think that we are somehow different than everybody else. But why not to think? Maybe it's true, maybe not. But it won't be true unless we don't think so. 
This blog isn't any sort of stimulator of egos, just the opposite. We want to write about things that we are interested in. That we want to know more about. Hopefully somebody will read it and enjoy it, but that definitely isn't the main purpose. For ourselves it's a challenge, but a joyful still demanding one. This blog is an opportunity do things that we are interested in and make a path of our researches behind us, open to other people, generations as well as to us.
Some people may laugh, some might passionately read every line and some won't even ever hear or see this blog at all. We are absolutely open to all of these attitudes.

Lukas Cerny:

print("Hello World!")
My name is Lukas Cerny. I am a high school student from Czech republic and I created this blog to archive and write about things that I am passionately interested in. This way I am motivated to try writing as professionally as I can and try to express my thoughts, researches and investigations. 
People should always do what they are interested in. Not only that time is spent in more fun way, but people excel in thing they love to do. They are not afraid to sacrifice their free time and therefore put "that little extra" effort into this activity, which makes them better than others. For me success is about being different from others. Being "the little bit" better and thinking differently than others and average. I think that the key factor of being better than the rest is wanting to be better and believing in yourself. Just these two little things done precisely and well can result unimaginable results. 

I am truly interested in mathematics, computer science, philosophy. I hope I can write some articles about these subjects. Hopefully I will be able and willing to write as much articles as I can.
I want to end this article with my favorite quote:
"Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." -Steve Jobs
Lukas Cerny, 16. 6. 2014

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